our commitment to halal
halal verification™
What is Halal
Halal is an Arabic word meaning lawful or permitted. In reference to food, it is the dietary standard as prescribed in the Holy Qur’an. The opposite of Halal is “Haram”, which means unlawful and prohibited. Halal and haram are universal terms that apply to all facets of life. These terms are commonly used in relationship to food ingredients and products, meat products. It also applies to cosmetics, personal care, pharmaceutical, banking, financial services, fashion and tourism.
Move Forward
Roadmaps to the halal market in the U.S.
Working with the U.S. halal market can be an overwhelming process. We made this process easier for you. Our programs are here to help and support halal consumers, businesses and government agencies
Our Specialties
find out more about halal market in the U.S.
Halal Verification
Market Research
halal education
halal advocacy
What We Can Do
We offer a number of programs to help protect the halal consumer and market in the U.S.
Consumer Protection
market research
Advocacy & gov. relations
Get In Touch
712 H Street NE
Suite 1128
Washington, DC 20002